Friday, January 14, 2011

Monster water tank

Yesterday we checked out the Basilica Cistern, its basically a huge underground water tank and was built in the 6th century so is about 1500 years old. It is a massive structure and the roof is supported by 336 marble columns, most are plain but one has a teardrop design and another two have large marble medusa heads at the bottom, one on its side, one upside-down.
After that we went through the grand bazaar then down to the water.
So far we are loving it here. The people are great, the city is clean and the history is preserved.

This saves me typing :)

Roof arches

Top of one of the brick roof domes.

Above the Cistern. You have no idea its there.

The grand bazaar

Fishing off the bridge. They are only catching fish the size of sardines

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