Thursday, January 6, 2011

A lazy day, then!

We had a lazy day at the hotel researching the next destination. After a late lunch we decided to go out and check out a shopping mall on the other side of town. We took a tuk tuk there without incident although a bull almost collected us on his way across the road.
We went into the mall and found a shop quite like kmart called the big bazaar. It was quite a refreshing experience for India being in a proper style mall and being able to browse without being constantly bombarded by sales pitches.
In the queue at the register two young guys tried to push in while we were talking with the guy in front of us, I told them in no uncertain terms that they were pushing in and they moved back. About 1 minute later one of them came in front again and his mate passed him the shopping. Once again they were told and grudgingly moved back. Then it was our turn at the register. The screen showed 159, I gave 200, he gave back 40, I was waiting for the extra 1 and he tried to palm the receipt. I got it and checked. The total was actually 139. I couldn't believe it. He tried to rip us for 21 rupees. His excuse was then that it was the price of the bag. When I disputed this he decided the game was up and made a separate receipt for the bag and gave the correct change.
After that we went to the mall next door for window shopping.
When we walked out to go home we were approached by two keen tuk tuk drivers. After agreement from the first guy on the price they indicated that they wanted to stop at shopping on the way, "no buy, only look". The answer was no, we started to walk toward other drivers and the second guy hastily agreed no shopping. When we started off he indicated he knew where our hotel was. On the way we took a turn that we thought was wrong, sure enough we arrived outside the wrong place. Obviously he thought we needed a hotel and was after commission. I made him get out of the tuk tuk to indicate to me where he thought I was supposed to go, he realised we knew where we were going and took us to the correct place.
We must realy look like a couple of suckers for so many people to keep trying this stuff on, but it is a good feeling to see the look in their faces when they know they've been caught out.
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