Monday, January 24, 2011


We took the ferry to Canakkale, its about a 25 minute ride and costs only 2 lira each.
We are pleased we aren't staying there, its busy and the hotels are more expensive, there's not much to do or see, same as where we are but at least we have a cheaper hotel and peace.
We went to look at the military / naval museum but it was closed. There was a digger busting up the driveway so we watched that for a few minutes, I guess we are easily entertained, we could also see some torpedoes and canons in the large garden area at the front. After a bit I went back to talk to one of the guys and he said we could look around the garden for free. I was quite excited and we went in. It was great. There are torpedoes, canons, field guns, AA guns, mines, torpedo tubes and even half a German U boat.
The best discovery was when we were about to leave, there was a plaque beside the path we almost walked passed, it was the AE2 memorial plaque that Sylvan asked me to look for as his great grandfather was on the submarine. I had searched the net and asked the guide on the tour yesterday to no avail, I had basically given up on finding it and suddenly here it was. It was quite incredible considering we almost didn't even get into the garden in the first place.
Afterward we had a look toward the town centre and the guns used to defend and stop the allied forces in march 1915. The mounted gun has a massive hole in the side and many wounds on the front.
Afterward we went and looked at the wooden Trojan horse and walked along the waterfront before catching the ferry home again.

French gun tube and carriage, 1905


German U-boat

The AE2 plaque

Gun in town with a massive hole

The Trojan horse.

Fantastic sunset from the ferry.

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