Monday, January 31, 2011

Izmir archeological museum

The hotel in Izmir didn't have internet and the internet cafe operators just had a look of "why would we need WiFi" when you ask them, so I am catching up.
Izmir bazaar. Quite like other markets and some covered areas like Istanbul's big bazaar, I wouldn't like to see it in peak season as it was quite hectic and its the middle of winter.

Great arches.

Gotta love those middle eastern butcher shops.

Archeological museum
We were going to go to Ephesus then looked outside and backed up the decision with a weather report. Basically it was raining cats and dogs, either that or all the feral ones had gotten wet, either way it was bloody cold and wet so we decided to go to the museums instead.
They have quite a selection of artifacts, pottery, bronze, gold and silver coins, marble statues.
The statues were quite interesting and most were missing arms and head. Upon closer inspection most had a small hole on the end of the arm or shoulder and many had a large hole where the head should be. Until now I had assumed that these type of statues had been carved as a bust without arms or head. It now seems that the arms were attached by means of an iron rod and the heads the same or in several cases where there was a large hole the head was a removable socket piece. Clearly some had bits that had broken off as they had been carved as a whole piece and had had an accident but it was fascinating to find that most must have been complete forms.

I am sure this head would have fitted into a body.

I am sure this body would have had a head as there is a large rounded hole in the neck.

You can clearly see where Aphrodite had a hand.

A bronze statue of an Olympic runner. Sadly most of the bronze stuff got reused so not many bronze artifacts remain.


Some Turkish weapons.

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