Saturday, August 14, 2010

Tainan City

Tainan is the old capital city of Taiwan and is about 15 minutes north of Kaohsiung on the high speed train going about 280 km/h then 1/2 hour ride on the free shuttle bus to the city, or 1/2 hour on the regular train that gets you to the city anyway. So the moral is high speed isn’t always high speed, but on the up side we had a look at the pineapple farms from the bus window that we wouldn’t have seen otherwise.

It was quite late in the afternoon when we arrived, probably due to sleeping in again. At the station there were a bunch of people giving free hugs, a nice idea but when its 30 degrees and god knows what % humidity the last thing you want is people giving you a hug so we declined, they still made us smile anyway.

We followed most of the lonely planet walking guide, this took us past a bunch of food stalls and several interesting buildings. It was meat on sticks for dinner, i had chicken hearts, beef and sausage, Sharon had beef, sausage and pork. At one of the temple gardens Sharon found a frog hopping along the path. There was a truck driving about with guys playing music on it and it stopped a few times to let of fireworks. On the way back to the station i got a smoked chicken and salad wrapped crepe thing – see photo.

It took over an hour to get back as we  took the all stations train, its a bit hard to explain but they have the country line and MRT line, the mrt Zoying station intersects with the country line but they called it new Zoying, the country station zoying is a few km down the road. anyway we took the long way home as well.

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This is in central park up the road from where we are staying.


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