Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Ho hum

Well after you've seen the ancient ruins there dosent seem much to Athens. To be fair I guess we didn't look that far away from the acropolis but didn't feel that inspired to either. The economy is apparently stuffed and everyone on the street is either purse lipped or has a frown, there dosent seem to be the happy atmosphere we had expected. Apart from that the government seems to like being an island so much they are cutting themselves off from the rest of Europe by killing all of the international train services, this is to cut costs, never mind bringing in tourist dollars??? We were going to catch trains across the EU to the UK but no definite trains combined with time running out to see the states means we have shelved it for later and will fly instead.

One nice thing is around most of the tourist area where our hostel is the streets are lined with Orange trees which add a dash of bright colour to otherwise dull streets.

Guess the car part, hint - its not a horn.

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