Saturday, February 5, 2011

Greek sights

So far its been raining and cloudy so we have avoided the major sights as photos won't be so good. Today the sun has come out so that's a good start.
We spent most of the rainy day the acropolis museum and had a walk around the area yesterday as it was only overcast.
The nice new fancy acropolis museum didn't live up to expectations, it was quite good and the artifacts are well laid out but the information is somewhat lacking. There is only basic info like what the thing you are looking at is and approximate year of creation. For example there is not very much info about what the pottery objects were used for. Sadly also the majority of the sculptures have been badly damaged, most significantly by being defaced and beheaded by the Christians, then looting and finally an explosion. No photos as not allowed inside the museum.
On our walk we found a few hills and sites that were quite interesting, Socrates prison which is cut into the rock, a massive block retaining wall and 360 degree views from the top of Filopappos hill.

Other than that we have a kitchenette in the room so have been cooking for the first time in more than 6 months. Lucky thing too when you consider a Greek equivalent of a kebab is 6 to 7.5euros.
It's also been quite exciting to be able to read many of the words with Greek characters as I had to learn many when studying electronics.

Socrates prison

Other stuff

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