Monday, February 7, 2011

Acropolis and Parthenon, sights free entry day :)

I guess we may have reached interest saturation point because the Parthenon just didn't seem that interesting. I am sure it would have been better if we could walk around inside the structure but it is roped off as they are doing major reconstruction, so we were limited to the outside. I am sure it will be far more impressive when the restoration is finished. Also we had been to the museum a few days back and the frieze from around the top of the building as well as the other remaining sculptures from above the frieze are protected in a life size shape and layout on the museums top floor.
After the hilltop experience we took further advantage of the free day and looked at the site on the north side of the hill which is the ancient agora or marketplace, not much to see other than foundations of buildings, there was a church still in good nick though and one other large building which I didn't get the name of but think is the temple of Hyphaestus.

**** edit.**** photos that didnt upload properly are on a new blog above. Cool graffiti

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