Thursday, November 25, 2010

Terracotta Warriors

Today we went to the Terracotta warriors. It is very interesting to see the excavation process in action. Apart from the first found warrior which is an archer all of the discovered warriors are broken, the reason being they were discovered by another emperor and ordered destroyed. Also they were housed underground and the roofs had long since rotted away and caved in. It is quite amazing to be looking at so many things created by human hands 2200 years ago. The main pit contains approximately 6000 individuals the other 2 pits another 2000 so over 8000 all together and they believe there are more as these are a long way from the emperors tomb, about 1.5km.
There are archers, horsemen, generals and foot soldiers. All full sized and all with unique faces.

Outside the museum we saw the fireworks truck. Looks like fun.

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