Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Great Wall

I hadn't realised until one of the other guys pointed out, we have visited one of the wonders of the world.
  It was COLD again. Actually in-between some bricks I found a hole that had frost crystals growing in it. It was mid day.
  On the way there we got pulled over by the police and the driver got a fine for having too many people in the van. We waited for a bit for a taxi to come then 3 got into it. After we went around the corner everyone got back into the van and continued on the way to the wall.
  When we arrived we went up and walked around. The section we visited is about 500 years old and comprised of a restored part and unrestored part. On the restored section the outer granite part is original only the top brick walking surface and walling is restored.
  I didn't go all the way to the top as the way was quite steep and time was limited. I do wish I did now as you can see the wall snaking way across the mountain tops. I did go to the unrestored part and spent about half an hour poking around and taking photos by myself contemplating the manpower, time and skill it would have taken to build such a thing.

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