Monday, September 6, 2010

Techno Mart

There is a multi storey building near the river, it is called Techno Mart. You could be forgiven for thinking it was full of rave gear, but it isn’t. Its actually a technology shopping centre. It is quite large, the first few floors are appliances and cameras, then mobile phones, then notebooks and pc’s and at the top is a food court and movie theatre. It is a technology plaza but it’s a bit clinical. I had to search it out as these type of buildings are not common in Seoul, in fact technology shops of any sort are hard to find, with the exception of mobile phones. The city folk seem to be taken by fashion stores and beauty / makeup, and expensive ones at that. tomorrow we are planning to look at the other technology park, approx 20 buildings with a total of  about 5000 stores. hopefully it will be more of a market atmosphere there.

I don’t know if i mentioned it before but by law every high-rise building has to have a sculpture at the front.


The coolest biggest wind chime ever.


Spot the error

 IMAG0118 IMAG0121

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