Friday, September 24, 2010


We are staying in Kowloon which is across the harbour from Hong Kong island and on the peninsular. It is quite an interesting area full of Indians touting so they can earn commissions by conning you into some cheap suit or dodgy accommodation.

Our guesthouse room is quite small, as are all Hong Kong guesthouse rooms, and the ensuite is as we expected, we had read many reviews and most of them say you can brush your teeth in the sink, take a leak and have a shower all at the same time, this is theoretically true but i think slightly unhygienic to do so so didn't try. The important things are its safe, clean and affordable. also the beds are comfortable.

We have had quite a wander around Kowloon and Mong Kok, here are some pics. Mong Kok is one of the most densely populated places on the planet.


Seafood restaurant. Most interesting creatures, they look like a cross between a preying mantis and a lobster.

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1940 Dennis fire engine

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View across the harbour to Central, Hong Kong island


Night view of same.


One of the Mong Kok markets


Bamboo scaffolding is the go everywhere. none of that heavy steel stuff here.


Mong Kok, Standing room only, if you can find a gap between the people to stand in.


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