Sunday, September 12, 2010

Korea DMZ

This is the border between North and South Korea.  The line between democracy and communism, the line of the war that is still on hold even after more than 1/2 a century. Many of the South Koreans want to have one country again and are quite sad about the state of affairs.

We had to get up early for the tour, 5:30, to be there by 7:00. it wasn’t too bad apart from the rain, we got a bit wet on the way to the station. It takes about an hour to get to the DMZ from Seoul, it  is about 60KM by road so quite close.

First we had a briefing at Camp Bonifas then moved into the JSA – Joint Security Area – where any talks are held between North and South, It was a lot more controlled than i expected, As you can See there were military on each side staring each other down, they maintained their rigid stance the whole time we were there. We were able to enter one of the UN MAC – Military Armistice Commission – buildings that bridges the border, in that building we could cross the border into North Korea.

Next we went around the JSA and saw the site of the axe murder incident of 1976 and the two towers involved, as well as the bridge of no return.

Next we went to the 3Rd infiltration tunnel. There are 4 tunnels that have been found that the North have made to infiltrate the South, it is suspected that there are many more, these tunnels actually cross the border into the area south of the MDL. This 3rd tunnel was discovered in 1978 (25 years after the armistice agreement signed at the end of the Korean War) apparently by a dynamite blast from the tunnel as it was still being constructed. It is about 75 meters deep and there is a steep 350m intercept tunnel made by the south that visitors can go down to see the north tunnel and the subsequent barricades put in by the south to block it off. Unfortunately no pictures are allowed to be taken inside the tunnel. I  went down, Sharon didn’t, it was a long walk to look at a granite tunnel but was good exercise.

Next we went to Dorasan Observatory. It is located at the top of a mountain / hill where you can see into North Korea, Unfortunately it was foggy and we couldn’t make out much.

Finally lunch then Dorasan Station. it is the north most train station in South Korea and looks like a mini airport. it has been set up as an international train station with customs and quarantine, but has only been used twice for trains to/from North Korea when it first opened.

This had us in stiches, i reckon we look like a couple of escaped mental patients with our clothing almost matching and the tour lanyards on.


JSA, Note the concrete slabs between the buildings marking the MDL - Military Demarcation Line – border.

Blue buildings are UNC and Grey are North Korean.

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This is the building which armistice talks are held. The microphones on the desk record 24 hours / day and also mark the border line. the guards stand so still i thought he was a mannequin.

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