Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Best Lunch

Today we went over to HK Island, again. We went looking for somewhere for lunch and found a Thai restaurant. The place is called Red Chili. On the menu i saw Chicken soup in coconut milk. This is one of our favourites but has to have lemongrass. I sought more info and was told it doesn’t have lemongrass and is slightly spicy but they would make it with lemongrass and no chilli for us. we also ordered some chicken, rice and prawn spring rolls. When it came out we were more than impressed. The spring rolls had 1 huge prawn that filled the thing, 3 bites to eat one, the chicken was tender and delicious and the soup was to die for, it was so full of flavours my mouth is watering just thinking about it.

If you are in HK and want a fantastic Thai feed the address is

Red Chili, 1F JP Plaza, 22-36 Patterson St, Causeway Bay.

ho hum

We’ve not been achieving much lately. spent a lot of time trying to find accommodation. there is public holidays on this weekend and everything was booked out. luckily, after much mucking about, we have managed to secure a room in the place we have been staying in.

Otherwise all is going well. we saw this sailing boat down at the harbour last night it looked quite impressive.


Monday, September 27, 2010

Hong Kong Island

we have spent the majority of the last 3 days looking at the peak and north side of HK island. HK island is the  main business part of HK. it is where most of the head offices are. On the first day we explored around central and the mid levels including the zoo and botanical garden before catching a ferry back across in the evening.

On the second day we caught the Peak Tram up to the observation tower most of the way up Mt Victoria. the tram was a great experience, it’s so steep it feels like it is going almost straight up at one  point. There are 2 tram carriages connected with 1 cable, one goes up and one down so they counterbalance each other as much as possible. Inside the tower is Madame Tussauds wax museum so we had a look at that, most of the figures are so lifelike that you feel awkward talking about them instead of to them.

Yesterday we went to the police museum which is most of the way up the peak, we caught a bus up much to Sharon’s relief. Unfortunately the museum has been closed since 2009 for renovations with no known date for reopening. there was a road going straight down to the city so we walked back down. It was well worth the walk, it was a concrete track, quite steep but the serenity was worth it.

Bamboo scaffolding is everywhere.


The Mid-Levels escalators join together to make a journey of about 1/2 km.

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HK harbour from the ferry


Its feels steeper than the picture looks

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Damn, i should have had that cheap indian suit made!

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The path back down, may have been a road once.


Spot the stick insect.

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Friday, September 24, 2010


We are staying in Kowloon which is across the harbour from Hong Kong island and on the peninsular. It is quite an interesting area full of Indians touting so they can earn commissions by conning you into some cheap suit or dodgy accommodation.

Our guesthouse room is quite small, as are all Hong Kong guesthouse rooms, and the ensuite is as we expected, we had read many reviews and most of them say you can brush your teeth in the sink, take a leak and have a shower all at the same time, this is theoretically true but i think slightly unhygienic to do so so didn't try. The important things are its safe, clean and affordable. also the beds are comfortable.

We have had quite a wander around Kowloon and Mong Kok, here are some pics. Mong Kok is one of the most densely populated places on the planet.


Seafood restaurant. Most interesting creatures, they look like a cross between a preying mantis and a lobster.

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1940 Dennis fire engine

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View across the harbour to Central, Hong Kong island


Night view of same.


One of the Mong Kok markets


Bamboo scaffolding is the go everywhere. none of that heavy steel stuff here.


Mong Kok, Standing room only, if you can find a gap between the people to stand in.


We are now in Hong Kong

so i better put the last of Korea up here then we can start again.

Statue near city hall of the the guy who made the turtle boats and defeated the Japanese. ( i know its a pretty weak description but i cant remember the details, should have taken a pic of the plaque.)


Whole mini chicken ginseng soup. delicious.

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Limo scooter.


The 100% loss claw pick up a prize machine. all the things have weights attached to the bottom of them to make it hard to pick up. i actually had the bottle twice, the last time the claw lifted it to near the drop hole but it cant lift it high enough so it gets caught and the claw pulls off. If you look at the mp3 player at the back it has a mini pink dumbbell to make it extra heavy.


Monday, September 13, 2010


Today i finally got to go paragliding (Tandem). It was a tour organised by the USO, the same people we went on the DMZ tour with.

I started out early again, Sharon stayed at  the guesthouse. There were 8 of us on the tour all together, most of them US army. We went by bus about 1.5 hours south to the paragliding base where we had a quick briefing, then waited about an hour for the wind to move around and pick up a bit. 3 people went up on the truck to start with while we waited for the other instructor. It has been raining quite a lot so the ground at the landing zone was a bit bogy.

The first guy came down without any problem other than getting wet. then the other instructor turned up so the rest of us went up the mountain. The road up was quite bumpy and a little slippery but you could tell the guy had driven it hundreds of times before.

The next guy got all strapped in and went to take off, unfortunately they went a little crosswind and ended up in the downdraft on the side of the hill, after a short flight of 17seconds they ended up in a tree. No one was hurt and we all had a good  laugh about it. The next guy took off without incident although with a bit of adrenaline no doubt. They got another glider and we continued without  incident. My go was 3rd last and was only about 5 minutes flight, most were about the same due to not much lift, the longest was about 10 minutes, the air was cool and the wind was more across the valley than up it. It was a good experience and i would like to do it again on a better day, it was not thrilling like skydiving but more of a relaxing float down to the landing zone.

The glider sail is basically the same as my power kites just bigger and with a harness.

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Glider stuck up the tree.


Take off area.

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Sunday, September 12, 2010

Korea DMZ

This is the border between North and South Korea.  The line between democracy and communism, the line of the war that is still on hold even after more than 1/2 a century. Many of the South Koreans want to have one country again and are quite sad about the state of affairs.

We had to get up early for the tour, 5:30, to be there by 7:00. it wasn’t too bad apart from the rain, we got a bit wet on the way to the station. It takes about an hour to get to the DMZ from Seoul, it  is about 60KM by road so quite close.

First we had a briefing at Camp Bonifas then moved into the JSA – Joint Security Area – where any talks are held between North and South, It was a lot more controlled than i expected, As you can See there were military on each side staring each other down, they maintained their rigid stance the whole time we were there. We were able to enter one of the UN MAC – Military Armistice Commission – buildings that bridges the border, in that building we could cross the border into North Korea.

Next we went around the JSA and saw the site of the axe murder incident of 1976 and the two towers involved, as well as the bridge of no return.

Next we went to the 3Rd infiltration tunnel. There are 4 tunnels that have been found that the North have made to infiltrate the South, it is suspected that there are many more, these tunnels actually cross the border into the area south of the MDL. This 3rd tunnel was discovered in 1978 (25 years after the armistice agreement signed at the end of the Korean War) apparently by a dynamite blast from the tunnel as it was still being constructed. It is about 75 meters deep and there is a steep 350m intercept tunnel made by the south that visitors can go down to see the north tunnel and the subsequent barricades put in by the south to block it off. Unfortunately no pictures are allowed to be taken inside the tunnel. I  went down, Sharon didn’t, it was a long walk to look at a granite tunnel but was good exercise.

Next we went to Dorasan Observatory. It is located at the top of a mountain / hill where you can see into North Korea, Unfortunately it was foggy and we couldn’t make out much.

Finally lunch then Dorasan Station. it is the north most train station in South Korea and looks like a mini airport. it has been set up as an international train station with customs and quarantine, but has only been used twice for trains to/from North Korea when it first opened.

This had us in stiches, i reckon we look like a couple of escaped mental patients with our clothing almost matching and the tour lanyards on.


JSA, Note the concrete slabs between the buildings marking the MDL - Military Demarcation Line – border.

Blue buildings are UNC and Grey are North Korean.

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This is the building which armistice talks are held. The microphones on the desk record 24 hours / day and also mark the border line. the guards stand so still i thought he was a mannequin.

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Thursday, September 9, 2010

Science Museum

The science museum is in the south of the city but easy to get to on the train. They have a lot of good exhibits but there are many things that are broken down.

  The Korean history and science section was quite interesting for us, They showed building construction techniques, rockets, stone age and metal ages, boats and manned gliders. They also had a few planes outside so extra points for that.

Wooden joints


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Wednesday, September 8, 2010


we went to Korean bbq'd and had beef and mushroom shabu shabu. they bring out a wok with clear soup base and put it on the gas burner, next they bring salad items to start, then the plate of thinly sliced beef, mushrooms and chopped green vegetables. basically you just cook it as you want it. its really nice, the soup if delicious after all the cooking too.
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we went to Korean bbq'd and had beef and mushroom shabu shabu. they bring out a wok with clear soup base and put it on the gas burner, next they bring salad items to start, then the plate of thinly sliced beef, mushrooms and chopped green vegetables. basically you just cook it as you want it. its really nice, the soup if delicious after all the cooking too.
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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

now that takes skill

this person just finished talking on the phone. its quite a steep hill too.
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New delivery vehicle?

could the Honda be converted?
Published with Blogger-droid v1.5.8