Saturday, April 23, 2011

Royal Tyrell Museum

Yesterday we visited one of the best museums in the world. All of the displays were fantastic and informative. The museum houses fossils, displays and working scientists. There is information on each of the fossils about how it came to be at the museum as well as the normal stuff about name and age etc. One of the most fascinating specimens is a plant. It is one of the first vascular plants to inhabit the land and had no roots or branches, it is only about the size of the pin part of a drawing pin or thumb tack.

After visiting the museum, which took all day, we looked around the path outside which is in a provincial park and has given up many fossils. On the way around the 1 km track we found several small pieces of petrified wood including a piece protruding from a pice of sandstone.

Other pictures from the museum

An ammonite

A 110 million year old marine reptile seeping oil that the bones absorbed

Many of the backdrops bring the skeletons to life

Alberta 69 million years ago

the badlands today. You can see the amount of erosion, it's hardly surprising that so much stuff is found here.

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