Friday, April 22, 2011

Drumheller, The Canadian badlands, Dinosaur country

Just north east of calgary is a town called Drumheller. It is situated in a canyon and is the place in Canada to go to see dinosaur fossils. We came over on the greyhound bus and now we are here I almost wish we had a car. The Tyrell museum, which is the main attraction, it's 6.5 km from where we are staying. We walked half way there yesterday afternoon then realized it wasn't worth continuing as by the time we would have arrived it would have been almost closing time. On the way back we took our time and had a closer look at the eroding cliffs. We found a cactus, some fossil wood and a canadian $10 note so it was worth the walk anyway.

All around town are concrete dinosaur statutes in bright colors that are quite cute.

Visitor information centre and the worlds largest dinosaur.

Cactus that live in the freezing cold

Canyon cliffs

Drumheller main road

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