Friday, April 15, 2011

Calgary, interesting city

There are a lot of homeless people around and although they seem harmless enough you can't feel completely relaxed around them. For example we had gone to mcdonalds and it was quite late 10pm. There was a guy who was soliciting for coins and started to look at womans backpack until she saw him then he stopped. He wasn't a safety threat though as he seemed quite out of it and a slight breeze would have been all it would have taken to knock him over. We sat away from the window but where we could see out. The homeless started accumulating outside like zombies, there was about 6 of them and it started to feel like we were in a scene of night of the living dead or something. No problems though, didn't even ask us for money. Maybe it's the rough look we've got going on with the army surplus jackets.

Last night it snowed again so the place looks fantastic.

Gophers, they were running all around the hill never going too far from a burrow entrance and quickly disappearing whenever a seagull flew nearby.

Calgary city

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