Saturday, December 25, 2010

More Vodafone, grrrrrrr.

Back for the third day in a row. After yet more time, at the worst service phone shop I have ever been to, waiting for someone to come from another shop to help, we went there when he didn't come. The problem was fixed in 1/2hour, a simple email to get someone to reset my phone on the switch. So it has now been 5 days of our trip to Delhi and because of the filthy dirty dishonest scheming scaming bstards here we still haven't seen a sight apart from disgusting Delhi as I have pet named the place.
Hopefully tomorrow we will see something. That would be a nice Christmas present from India to us, just let us see some sights.
This evening we did go on the metro to a small city 25 km south as it is described as having ultra modern office blocks and snazzy shopping malls. Well, it was ok and the people were better behaved for the most part. It was good to have a little bit of cleanliness even if it was only inside the malls.
We had a fantastic laugh at the people at the train station. It was the first stop so the train pulling up was empty. As soon as the doors opened the people, if you can call them that, pushed, shoved, fought and ran to secure a seat. We just stood back and laughed, it was like watching two year olds at a lollie scramble.
Well, we wish you all a merry Christmas and tomorrow you will see pictures of something interesting, hopefully.

Last night we had a drink with a new friend. This is the scene from the rooftop.

A snazzy mall, Delhi style.

Nice clean money they got here, NOT!

View from a rooftop.

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