Wednesday, December 1, 2010


We are back from the most fantastic day out. After getting off the train from Xi'an we caught the metro to the hotel. I had a nice needed shower and we went to buy train tickets to Hong Kong, no problems, the lady at the ticket office even spoke good english.
  Food afterwards, McDonald's was the go.
  Next off to check out the city. Back to the metro, as it is the first station we even got seats.
  At the city centre we found a Starbucks and had a frapechino and continued our exploration. We found a street that had been blocked off to traffic, similar to Pitt st mall in Sydney. No sooner had we entered and we were accosted by the usual - watch, handbag, phone dodgy backstreet seller. Being in a happy mood we wasted their time for a few minutes before walking away. A few seconds later the same thing. Then again. 5 times in the 100m long street. The last guy I took his photo. Around the corner we found some police and asked, with the help of Google translate, if what these people are doing is illegal. They seemed to indicate it was not good and wanted us to go back to the station and show them the photo I had taken. We accompanied them back and after showing the photo to one of the station officers and some discussion between them we were told we can go.
  Now the fun started. We went back up the street the other way with a plan. Sharon to keep them busy while I get the camera ready. If possible get their lamented dodgy catalog and take a photo of it then them. First victim. Worked like a charm. Distraction, photo, goodbye irritation. Second victim. Distraction, photo, goodbye. Third victim, distraction, camera, chased him around a nearby post but didn't want anything to do with us any more in spite of my beckoning him to come have his photo taken. It was hugely entertaining especially for the onlookers. Fourth victim, distract, photo, oh yes nice brochure, thanks very much, start walking away with brochure and he is following us. Give brochure to security guard. He laughs at the guy and told him to go away. We had fun all the way to the end of the street.
  Next we stopped for dinner at a restaurant. We had a bit of fun with the wait staff and the mandarin and Chinese language picture books we have. We taught them some pronunciation of some English words they wanted to know. The experience was slightly tarnished when they tried to charge us for napkins we clearly hadn't used.
  Next we kept walking and found peoples park. There were heaps of people there playing various chess, card, badminton and hack e sack games. There was a table that had just been freed up so we claimed it and started playing rummy 500. As most chess and card games in China are huge spectator sports it only took about 3 seconds for a crowd to form. After 2 rounds one of the locals seemed to have picked up how to play and accepted my invitation to join in. We played for about an hour, each of us winning a few games and no one else wanting to join. Afterward we had a wander through the rest of the park and then went home.
  It's strange you know. This is the most pleasant city in China we have found. After all the pushing and shoving and filth of the other places we have been you would think we were in a different country.
  Well no more internet for a few days. End of month and I'm not paying for a months internet for 2 days usage and the hotel don't seem to have internet so no updates until Hong Kong on Thursday.

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