Wednesday, July 7, 2010

We’re back, sort of.

Started out feeling not so good on Sunday but went out anyway. we visited the Tropical Spice Garden around the coast at Teluk Bahang. after 15 mins i was looking for the tandas. We took a pit stop and  then had a bit more of a look around. It was not very good. a bit interesting and i am glad we went but very lacking on information, as are most of these type of things here.

The last 2 days we’ve been hold up in the hotel but did venture out this afternoon in need of food. I think the cause was the fried chicken skins i got on Saturday. Hopefully will be better in the next few days. luckily there’s no vomiting and the tandas has become our new best friend.

We are staying a few extra days so we can check out the tropical fruit farm and toy museum.

Waterfront. The car ferry from Butterworth in the background.

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abandoned buildings


The biggest incense stick ever


Spot the monkey. apparently about 200 live in/ near the spice garden. we also saw some golden ones on the way to the garden. they were sitting on a large road sign.

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