Saturday, July 24, 2010

Taiwan’s Funny Money

Its so expensive here, Until you convert it to AU or NZ Dollars.

We’ve only been here for less than a day and will get used to it i am sure but all you can do is laugh when you order 2 cappuccinos and its $130, or a noodle soup that’s $120 - $250, Never mind we are staying in a hostel that gives a discounted rate of $5000 for 2 people if you stay for a week. then out comes the calculator, i don’t know about the rest of you but i cant do this math in my head, ok divide by 25 =, oh i see its only $5.20 for 2 coffees and the room rate seems a lot better at about $200 for the week. Its actually about 28 for AU$ and 23 for NZ$ so 25 is close enough.

The money we have seen so far is coins $1, 5, 10, 50. Notes $100, 1000, 2000.

There’s lightening and thunder at the moment so don’t know if we will go too far today. Then again, nothing ventured, nothing gained as they say.

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