Thursday, June 24, 2010

We have been asked “Have you tried any weird local foods?”

Answer is no and yes.

No for sharon, Yes for me.

Sharon says they sell rice at KFC and that’s different but she hasn’t tried it.

The best story. In Singapore at the Teka Centre, which is a food court / Hawker Centre with probably 100 different stalls selling all different foods, i decided to have some Indian food. The guy said it is common type Indian house food, I wanted to try the mutton, duck and omelette. it was basically bones with a bit of meat covered in orange/red curry. I will mention at this time that i have become addicted to chilli and find food without it hasn’t got much flavour any more. The guy dished it up and watched on. It was hot and good. the mutton was tasty and had plenty of sinew and not much meat, the duck was 1 foot and the head. There was only 1 choice to eat it and thats with the hands, when i was most of the way through the foot he came over and said something along the lines of hands are the best way to eat, i agreed, he then offered me a fish head to which i said that i eat fish heads all the time and the eyes are the best part, he agreed, i then said they are good especially chewing them, i think this was too much for him and he had a funny look and went back to his stall. i then proceeded to eat the rest of what i had ordered. the head was quite good, mostly dark meat around the neck, jaw and tongue, eye was a bit strange, not much flavour. We think he saw a westerner coming and expected to have a laugh but got more than he bargained for.

Durian – its a fruit and i have read it described as rotting onions in a toilet. true it does smell and taste like old onion but its also sweet, at least in the drink i had it was. It is the only fruit banned in Singapore hotels and on the MRT transport system as the smell some people find offensive.

We also saw live turtles in a tank in the supermarket next to the crabs for $10.80 ea, this upset Sharon a bit as we had turtles for pets in NZ. I think that someone who had crabs as pets would feel the same way.

The main thing to remember is that if they eat it it must be edible and probably will taste  good, doo nok et till u se try et brudda, dem was sweet wettels.

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